doctor of philosophy in mathematics 2006-2013
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of NiŠ
Ph.D.Math. with Ph.D. Thesis: “Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Perturbations“, defended on June 20th, 2013 on Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia, supervised by Professor Svetlana Janković.
Master in Mathematical Finance 2004-2006
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of NiŠ
M.Sc. with Thesis: “Stochastic Models for Interest Rates”, defended on June 12th, 2006 on Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Serbia, supervised by Professor Miljana Jovanović.
I was grated with GPA of 9.67 (out of a maximum of 10.00) on my master studies, and I was honoured with the title of “student of the generation” within the Mathematics Department. The same year brought me a one-month European travel opportunity as an accolade from the Austrian Embassy in Serbia, the European Youth Movement in Serbia, and the Serbian Ministry of Education.
It was within this research that I started cultivating my enthusiasm for applying mathematical principles to the field of finance. This thesis naturally propelled me to embark on a Ph.D. journey, where I continued to expand my horizons in stochastic analysis and its intricate connection with the world of finance.
bachelor of science with honours in Mathematics 2001-2004
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of NiŠ
B.Sc.Math.(Hons) from the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Niš, Serbia. My fascination with stochastic processes ignited during my undergraduate years, where I was first introduced to this captivating subject.
During my pursuit of a master’s degree, I was honoured with a scholarship from the Norwegian Government and the City of Niš, a testament to my exemplary academic performance.